Saad bin Khalid Facts

Posted: Thursday 13 March 2014 by Hellllbender in Labels: , , , ,

Dat beard.
Ladies and gentlemen. Today I will once again share a few facts about my friend, dear old Saad bin Khalid - TM, where TM does not refer to "trademark" although it is a trademark nickname for him. At this point, if you haven't already been introduced to SBK, you may want to take a look here, otherwise carry on:

1. It is humanly impossible to create a post on Facebook that Saad bin Khalid does not “like”. He may not like it, but he most certainly will “like” it.

2. The only known way to hide a post from SBK: put it on "Only Me" privacy, then delete it.

3. SBK's facebook usage is roughly equal to that of an average city. An American city. A big one. Like New York.

4. SBK responds faster to a new Facebook post or comment than 911 operators do to a distress call.

5. There is no Facebook user who has no mutual friends with SBK. Guaranteed.

6. Out of all his Facebook friends, the number of people who actually sent a friend request to SBK is fewer than the number of fair decisions NUST has ever made.

7. You cannot hide from notifications caused by SBK. Even with a deactivated account. They will come. Whether by post or pigeon, they WILL come.

8. Graduated on time, never relegated but still spent 5 years in nust: that’s a record only SBK can make.

9. SBK has a photography page with over 800 likes - he doesn’t possess a DSLR camera.

10. SBK once treated me to pizza. What? Can’t I write something good about him?

11. The above mentioned pizza dinner was followed up by him asking me to drop him home from NUST. Dear SBK.

12. SBK has a hunch people aren’t entirely too fond of him…

13. But he ignores it anyway.

14. Believe it or not, SBK is actually an admirer of my writings.

15. SBK likes living dangerously.

16. TM’s beard is the biggest form of deception since the Trojan Horse.

17. SBK is more active in SEECS events than half the presidents, VPs and GSs of various student societies.

18. SBK's Facebook CV makes the average MIT graduate cry in envy:

19. As seen above, SBK can skillfully differentiate between: SEECS, NUST, NUST-SEECS, NUST School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, National University of Sciences and Technology and National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan. He considers them to be 6 different entities.

20. SBK knows how to take a joke. Usually it’s because the joke’s on him and there’s no way out. But the man can take a joke.

Written by: Zain Shah