The Juggat

Posted: Saturday 6 July 2013 by Hellllbender in Labels: , , , , , , ,

Seriously kids these days. I mean how could anyone use abusive words and think they're cool. That's absurd. Stupid. Idiotic. Immature. You think you look cool but you don't. You disgust us. True, nobody will give a crap about my opinion but honestly I speak on behalf of all the 80's and 90's generation.

In school, in almost every class there is this one kid renowned for his ''juggats''. We all know what these ''juggats'' are. Describing obscene scenarios involving one's siblings (usually a sister) or parents (usually the mother) or both. Doubtless juggats involve these vulgarities but on a much smaller scale. The word juggat actually means using a physical feature of one person to compare him/her with an object, place, another person and often animals. For example,''Rambay kay dastay warga moon hai tera.''

As a rule, juggats are ALWAYS in Punjabi. The juggat loses its essence in Urdu or English. The two most important factors in the hilarity of a juggat are its promptness and the way it's delivered. To wield a particularly lethal juggat and to ensure that it strikes home is called talent. That talent is possessed by few famed men in Pakistan. Sohail Ahmed (Azizi), Iftikhar Thakur, Zafri Khan, Amanullah, Al Bela and Nasir Chinyoti are among those who possess this talent in its complete forms and are the most famous and entertaining jugtees of the century, renowned mostly for their stage dramas. Unfortunately there has been a dramatic decrease in this trend with the introduction of TV Serials and movies.

So my point is that kids, please. You seriously do not look cool wielding blunt, lame juggats in Urdu. For that you need talent which you don't have. Your best option is to enjoy the old stage dramas and maybe learn a thing or two from them.

Written by: Asfandyar Malik