Saad bin Khalid - TM

Posted: Tuesday 29 October 2013 by Hellllbender in Labels: , , , , , ,

You are walking around in seecs. You see a bearded bespectacled figure wearing his student card around his neck, possibly accompanied by a DSLR in his hand surrounded by a bunch of juniors, ladies, or junior ladies. Who is it? It's Saad bin Khalid.

You are in a society of seecs. You are organizing your things, doing your duties, minding your own business, bothering nobody. In the middle of an event, you see a person who isn’t an official member but is in the thick of things, poking his nose everywhere. Who is it? Saad bin Khalid.

You put up a status. You see it “liked”. Who liked it? Saad bin Khalid.

You make a post. Maybe it’s a picture you uploaded, maybe it’s a video, maybe it’s a promo post about your blog having a new article. You see at least one share. Who shared it? Saad bin Khalid.

You see something nice posted on Facebook. You feel like wanting to comment on it. Somebody already did it before you. Who did it? Saad bin Khalid.

You open the Facebook profile of any person in seecs. You have at least one mutual friend. Who is it? Saad bin Khalid.

You log in to Facebook. You see 50 notifications. 100 of them are caused by one person. 200 of them are tags. You find you have been invited to one event: 300 times. Who is this pesky spammer? Saad bin Khalid.

You open the Facebook profile of a person who has never been in seecs or nust, who may not even be a resident of Pakistan, who maybe has 3 heads and 6 legs. But you have one mutual friend. Who is it? Why, Saad bin Khalid of course.

In times when hating your institution is fashion (though sometimes justified), one warrior refuses to submit to the temptation of cursing his alma mater. Who is this stalwart? Nope. You guessed it wrong. Its Saad bin Khalid.

You are having a chat with a number of guys. Only one of them refuses to use "tu" instead of "tum" during the entire course of the conversation. Who is this gentleman? Saad bin Khalid.

You are walking with a person. Maybe there are others with you, maybe there aren't. You notice one person is miles ahead of the others and everyone is trying to run to match the walking pace of that one individual. Who is this Usain Bolt? Saad bin Khalid.

You see a group of guys sitting or standing, perfectly happy with life. A figure approaches them and audible groans of misery are heard. Facepalms (literal as well as figurative) are observed. Everybody curses their luck. The lucky ones are those who make good their escape. Who causes this response? Good old Saad bin Khalid.

After years of abstinence, you are breakdancing at the conclusion of a drama fest. A huge audience is present. You have a good round and are very pleased with yourself. You see the photographer present with a camera. You later approach the said photographer and are told that not a single video was made, nor a picture taken. You decide to arrange the funeral of the photographer. You want to know his name. I’ll tell you what it is: Saad bin Khalid.

TM Saad Bin Khalid doing what he does.

P.S: Readers are free to ask Ibn e Khalid to elaborate the meaning of TM..

Written by: Zain Shah 

(A sequel to this article was written one year later. Click here to read. )